The interface of the Daily Sales Tracker (DST) has been adjusted and redesigned similar to our new Profitability Dashboard. The new DST interface also displays the widgets that contains relevant data depending on the dates selected.

Date Range Selector 

The Date Range selector for the new DST, like on the dashboard, displays 4 date ranges per selection. This allows the member to decide which date range they want to show on the widget and table.

The new date ranges are as follows:

  • Today / Yesterday / This month / Last month

  • Today / Yesterday / 7 days / 14 days / 30 days

  • This week / Last week / 2 weeks ago / 3 weeks ago

  • This month / Last month / 2 months ago / 3 months ago

  • This month / Last month / This year / Last year

Minus Last 2 days

When enabled, the start date of the date range adjusts to 2 days propr the selected range. But when using a custom date range, members can disable this option.

Custom Range

When selecting a Custom Range, members are allowed to select one date range at a time. 


Same with the dashboard, the DST widgets now display relevant data of the product which mainly contains the Sales, Orders/Units, CVR, Advertising Cost, Tacos %, CM and CM%. These data are dependent on the date range that was selected on the date range selector.

Clicking on a widget also allows the member to update their table’s data and show relevant data based on the date range on the selected widget.

However for the custom range selection, since members are only allowed to select one date range from the date picker at a time, the widgets display 3 more date ranges prior to the selected custom range – this follows the number of days that were selected in the custom range.

For example, the selected custom range is June 25 - 27, which is 3 days. The data for this range will be displayed on the first widget, while the three other widgets will display a 3-day range prior to June 25 - 27 (since the range contains 3 days) – which are June 22 - 24, June 19 - 21, and June 16 - 18.

Lastly for the widgets, clicking on the More button at the bottom of each widget also shows a more detailed data of the metrics.

Data Table

All the columns on the data table are now sortable and are also displaying all the other columns that are seen on the dashboard. 

More Details column

Found on the right most column of the data table, the More Details column lets the members see a more detailed data per date, similar to the detailed data on the widgets.