The Analysis section is a new section added to the Keywords Relevancy tool. This section is between the Competitor Data and the Keyword Ranking sections and displays data for the Market Depth, Market Gap, and High Volume Gap.

By default, this section is collapsed and can be expanded on click of the section row.

The Analysis Data Tables

The Analysis section contains three data tables which are as follows:

Market Depth

  • Market Saturation - has the same logic as defined in the Market Saturation on the Product Pipeline

  • High Volume Relevant Keywords - displays the number of keywords with Search Volumes greater than 1000 and Relevancy greater than or equal to 2

  • Low Volume Relevant Keywords - displays the number of keywords with Search Volumes less than or equal to 1000 and Relevancy greater than or equal to 2

Market Gap

  • Total Keyword Count - displays the number of keywords

  • Competitor Market Depth %

    • Low Range - the minimum Market Depth value from the Products inside the Relevancy Tool

    • High Range - the maximum Market Depth value from the Products inside the Relevancy Tool

    • Average Range - the average Market Depth value from all the Products inside the Relevancy Tool

  • Competitor Market Depth #

    • Low Range - the Ranked Keywords value of the minimum Market Depth Product inside the Relevancy Tool

    • High Range - the Ranked Keywords value of the maximum Market Depth Product inside the Relevancy Tool

    • Average Range - the average Ranked Keywords from all the Products inside the Relevancy Tool

High Volume Gap

  • Total Keyword Count - the number of keywords with Search Volume greater than or equal to 500 and Relevancy greater than or equal to 2

  • Competitor Market Depth %

    • Low Range - the minimum "Market Depth" value from the Products inside the Relevancy Tool

    • High Range - the maximum "Market Depth" value from the Products inside the Relevancy Tool

    • Average Range - the average "Market Depth" value from all the Products inside the Relevancy Tool

  • Competitor Market Depth #

    • Low Range - the Ranked Keywords value of the minimum Market Depth Product inside the Relevancy Tool

    • High Range - the Ranked Keywords value of the maximum Market Depth Product inside the Relevancy Tool

    • Average Range - the average Ranked Keywords from all the Products inside the Relevancy Tool

  • Number of sellers with High Volume Gap above 50% - displays the number of Products that have greater than or equal to 50% on the Market Depth