The Trends for Top 5 is basically a summary of the top 5 keywords and search volumes found in the Keyword Rank Tracker.

On the Keyword Rank Tracker, the Organic and Sponsored Search widgets are displayed, along with the top rankings of keywords (Top 5, 20, 30, and 50) and their search volumes.

The Date Picker

The date picker that is found both on the upper right of the Trend Summary and the Trends for Top 5 Modal lets the members decide on which range they’d like to compare. There are 4 options for this date picker, which are: 7 Days, 30 Days, 90 Days, and Custom.

The 7 Days, 30 Days, and 90 Days select a range from today’s date based on their selected number of days, versus the range prior to their selection. For example, if the member selected 7 Days, it should automatically select the 7 days from today’s date, versus the 7 days prior to that selected range.

While for Custom, it should open a date picker, where members can only select two different dates to compare with each other.

The Trends for Top 5 Modal

The Trends for Top 5 modal shall open on click of any of the positions under the Organic or Sponsored Search widgets.

This modal will display the Trends comparison for the member’s selected date range, and similar to the widgets, shall display the Top rankings (top 5, 10, 30, and 50), keywords, and search volumes for Organic and Sponsored Search.

Trends over time

This section displays the data for the Organic and Sponsored search represented as trend lines based on their selected dates.

The graph should have a dual y-axis to be able to display both Search Volume (right side) and Keywords (left side) at the same time. The x-axis displays the dates in comparison.

  • Members may select the Top rankings on the upper right to display the trend based on the selected rank.

  • Members may click on the  and Sponsored SOrganicearch widgets above the graph to either show/hide them from the trend line.

  • Color coding for the dots on the graph is listed in the upper right to show the distinction between the data for the Organic and Sponsored keywords and search volumes:

    • Yellow – Organic Keywords

    • Red – Organic Search Volume

    • Teal – Sponsored Keywords

    • Green – Sponsored Search Volume