Via the Negative Keywords feature, members are allowed to either include or exclude negative keywords from the Keyword Relevancy tool, as well as be able to manually add negative keywords to the tool.

On the Keyword Ranking table, there is an ON/OFF toggle that lets members remove Negative Keywords. 

  • When the toggle is ON, the negative keywords will be removed from the Keyword Ranking table, while when it’s OFF, the negative keywords will stay on the keyword ranking table.

  • This toggle is turned on by default but should be turned off when the member is in the Negative Phrase or Negative Exact keyword set

  • Once the toggle is turned off and the page was refreshed, it should revert back to the default toggle (turned ON).

The list of Negative Keywords can be accessed by clicking on the dropdown to select a keyword set.

Members may now select to view either the Negative Exact or the Negative Phrase list.

Manually adding keywords under the Negative Phrase and Negative Exact list

There are two ways for members to manually add keywords, one is via the Bulk Actions button, and the other is via the Add button.

Manually adding keywords via the Bulk Actions button

In order for members to add keywords via the Bulk Actions button, they should first select keyword phrases from the Keyword Ranking table. 

After selecting the keyword phrases that they’d like to add to the negative keywords list, click on the Bulk Actions button and select Add to keyword set.

This will open a modal wherein members may select which keyword set they’d want to add their previously selected keyword phrases – which in this case, they may choose whether to add them to the Negative Exact or Negative Phrase list.

Manually adding keywords via the Add button

Another way to add negative keywords is by selecting a specific Negative Keywords list –  members must first select whether to add their keywords under Negative Exact or Negative Phrase.

This can be done by clicking on the desired negative keywords list from the keyword set dropdown. 

Once a negative keyword list has been selected, click on the add button. After that, a display modal will appear where members may manually enter their keywords – one keyword per line.

Upon saving, the manually added keywords should now appear in the negative keywords list that was selected.

The Negative Phrase and Negative Exact behavior

Negative Phrase

When a member adds keywords under the Negative Phrase list, keywords that contain the added words (in the exact same order, in any position on the phrase) will be removed from the Keyword Ranking table.

    For example:

  • if "kitchen knife" is added, "Japanese kitchen knife", "kitchen knife", and "kitchen knife set" will be removed; "Knife for kitchen" will remain as part of the results.

Negative Exact

When a member adds keywords under the Negative Exact list, only those exact keywords will be removed from the Keyword Ranking table – which means that phrases that have other keywords aside from those mentioned on the list will be retained.

For example:

  • if "leather shoes" is added, only "leather shoes" will be removed; "Kids leather shoes" and "shoe leather shiner" will stay as part of the results.

Exporting with Negative Keywords

When exporting keywords from the Keyword Ranking table and the Remove Negative Keyword toggle is turned ON, the negative keywords (regardless if they are from the Negative Exact or Negative Phrase list) will not be included.

But when the toggle is OFF, all keywords will be exported, including the negative keywords.

To export a Negative Keyword Set, members should select which list they’d like to export: Negative Exact or Negative Phrase.

Once selected, click on the Export button and select Data from Keyword Ranking table to export only the keywords and their data from your selected negative keyword set.


Click on the Export button from the modal and once the file has been generated, don’t forget to click on the Download File button.