This feature allows members to see an overview of how many 5-star ratings need to be added for them to reach a certain level of rating, while also giving them an overview of how many 1-star ratings are needed for their current rating to be demoted. 

This new feature can be found in the Toolbox section:

There are two ways for a member to select an ASIN: the first is by manually inputting the ASIN and clicking on the Calculate button;

and the second is by choosing an ASIN from the SKU selection modal via the Select ASIN button and clicking on the Calculate button.

Members may select only one ASIN from the SKU selection modal, and proceed by clicking on the Select SKU button.

The Star Threshold Tables

Once the member has already selected an ASIN and clicked on Calculate, the tool will be displaying data on the current ratings for the selected ASIN.

Current Data

This table displays the current star ratings and their percentages for the selected ASIN

To Increase to Next Star

This table displays how many 5-star ratings are needed before reaching the next star level.

To Decrease to Next Star

This table displays how many 1-star ratings are needed before dropping to the lower star level.