djustments on the Save Filter modal and editing behavior for the PPC Maintenance tool wherein members are able to choose whether to overwrite a currently saved filter or create a new one based on changes that were made on an existing filter.
Overwriting and Saving a New Filter
If a member opens an existing filter and decides to tweak the values on the filter’s metrics, the member may save these changes and choose to either overwrite the current filter or save a new filter.
Upon clicking on the Save button after tweaking an existing filter, there will be a modal to prompt the member to input their filter name. By default, the currently selected filter’s name is on the input field.
If the member does not change the current filter’s name and clicks on Save, another modal is displayed to confirm whether they’d like to overwrite the current filter or create a new one.
Overwrite existing
If the member chooses to overwrite the currently selected filter, then the changes will be saved to the current filter.
If the member chooses to rename, it will create a new filter based on the changes on the current filter. This will direct them back to the filter name modal so that they can input a unique name for their new filter.
Editing Existing Filters
On the Manage Saved Filters modal, members are able to tweak their saved filters through the cog icon beside the delete button.
By clicking on the cog icon, a modal that mirrors the filter area will be displayed. This is where members can edit their filter metrics, as well as rename their filter.
Duplicate Filter Names
Duplicate filter names are not allowed in the tool, thus, when a member inputs an already existing filter name (regardless if they tweaked an existing filter or not), they will still be prompted that a filter with the same name already exists and that they may choose to overwrite that existing filter, or create a new one with a different name.
The same filter name can be used when creating a product filter on a different product. However, if this filter will be saved as global and a global filter with the same name already exists, then the member will have to rename it.