Product Pipeline

Bulk Archive and Bulk Update Products
Apart from archiving and updating products via the ellipsis button beside each product, members are also able to archive and update their products in bulk, ...
Mon, 27 Nov, 2023 at 7:15 AM
Titan Genesis - Market Domination
The Market Domination column can be seen on the Product Pipeline. This column displays the average conversion rate data for a product’s keywords selected fr...
Mon, 27 Nov, 2023 at 7:16 AM
Product Research 2.0
Product Research now features some new changes in its interface, as well as additional functionalities to help members understand and have a better visualiz...
Mon, 27 Nov, 2023 at 7:18 AM
Avg. Price Trend Graph Button
Added an Avg. Price Trend Graph button on the Competitor Data table. On click of this button it will show you the Avg Price Trend Graph. For the button ...
Mon, 27 Nov, 2023 at 7:20 AM
Titan Genesis | Keyword Search
The Keyword Search is a tool wherein members can search for their keywords and find their search volumes, necessary data values, as well as other ranking ke...
Mon, 27 Nov, 2023 at 7:24 AM